Understanding the Fundamentals of HTML

History of HTML
History of HTML
HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. It was the first markup language designed to be displayed in a web browser, transforming the Internet's complexity into simplicity.
HTML Doctype Declaration
HTML Doctype Declaration
The doctype declaration is essential in HTML documents, instructing the web browser about the version of HTML. <!DOCTYPE html> signifies HTML5, the latest standard, ensuring your page adheres to current web practices.
Semantic HTML Elements
Semantic HTML Elements
Semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <article>, and <section> make your HTML more descriptive. They define the structure and content type, improving accessibility and SEO, and are favored over non-semantic <div>s.
HTML and Accessibility
HTML and Accessibility
HTML plays a key role in web accessibility. Using <alt> attributes for images and proper labels for form inputs ensures that users with disabilities can navigate and understand your web content.
The Invisible <meta> Tags
The Invisible <meta> Tags
Meta tags don't appear on the page but are crucial for search engines and browsers. They include metadata about the HTML document, like character set declarations and descriptions for SEO.
HTML5 APIs Integration
HTML5 APIs Integration
HTML5 introduced APIs for advanced functionality. These include offline capabilities with Web Storage, graphics with Canvas, and multimedia handling with <audio> and <video> elements, enabling richer user experiences.
Global Attributes in HTML
Global Attributes in HTML
Global attributes, such as 'class', 'id', 'style', 'title', and 'data-*' can be applied to any HTML element. They provide essential hooks for CSS styling and JavaScript interaction within web pages.
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Who created HTML in 1991?
Tim Berners-Lee
Mark Zuckerberg
Bill Gates