Introduction to Consent Mode

Introduction to Consent Mode
Introduction to Consent Mode
Google Tag Manager introduced Consent Mode to help businesses adjust to privacy regulations. It enables user consent to be considered when firing tags.
Consent Mode Mechanism
Consent Mode Mechanism
Consent Mode works with analytics and advertising tags. It uses 'ad_storage' and 'analytics_storage' cookies to process user preference and modifies tag behavior accordingly.
Version 2 Enhancements
Version 2 Enhancements
Version 2 offers granular control. It integrates more deeply with tag settings, allowing for refined data collection based on user consent levels.
Improved Data Accuracy
Improved Data Accuracy
The update enhances data accuracy when users partially consent. It ensures that essential metrics are retained without compromising user privacy.
Consent Mode with GA4
Consent Mode with GA4
Consent Mode V2 seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics 4, facilitating privacy-compliant analytics and audience insights even with restricted data collection.
Advanced Configuration Options
Advanced Configuration Options
The new version includes advanced settings for timeouts and consent states, giving webmasters improved flexibility and control over the tagging process.
Developer-Friendly Updates
Developer-Friendly Updates
Google provides additional JavaScript APIs for Consent Mode, enabling developers to programmatically adjust consent signals based on user interactions. Mascot
What does Consent Mode adjust to?
User interface preferences
Privacy regulations compliance
Advertising campaign targets