UX Design Fundamentals

UX Design Fundamentals
UX Design Fundamentals
UX design is user-centric, prioritizing the needs and experiences of users. It encompasses usability, functionality, and emotional impact, ensuring a seamless and effective interaction with products and services.
Cognitive Load in UX
Cognitive Load in UX
Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental processing power required to use a product. Great UX minimizes cognitive load by simplifying tasks, reducing information overload, and presenting information in a logical sequence.
Emotional Design's Power
Emotional Design's Power
Emotional design aims to create a connection between the user and the product. Affecting mood and attitude, it can drive user engagement and loyalty through delight, surprise, and even anthropomorphic features.
Accessibility Shapes Experiences
Accessibility Shapes Experiences
Inclusive design ensures accessibility for all, including those with disabilities. It involves creating products that are usable by people with a wide range of abilities, thus expanding market reach and user satisfaction.
The Gestalt Principles
The Gestalt Principles
Gestalt principles explain how users perceive design elements. They include similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, figure-ground, and symmetry, which guide how elements are grouped visually, affecting comprehension and aesthetics.
Feedback Loops in UX
Feedback Loops in UX
Feedback loops are vital for learning and improvement. In UX, immediate feedback from interactions confirms actions and guides users. This can improve the user experience by reducing errors and frustration.
Anticipatory Design Usage
Anticipatory Design Usage
Anticipatory design uses user data to predict needs, offering solutions before a user requests them. It simplifies decision-making, reduces cognitive load, and personalizes the user experience, often utilizing AI and machine learning.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What is UX design's core principle?
User-centric design approach
Focus on visual aesthetics
Prioritize developer convenience