UX: Beyond Interface Design

UX: Beyond Interface Design
UX: Beyond Interface Design
User Experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user interaction with the company, its services, and its products. It goes beyond the screen, influencing how users feel and how easily they can accomplish their goals.
Emotional Design Matters
Emotional Design Matters
Don Norman’s three levels of emotional design—visceral, behavioral, and reflective—impact user satisfaction. Aesthetically pleasing designs can improve user interface usability and create positive emotional responses, enhancing the overall experience.
The Fitts's Law Application
The Fitts's Law Application
Fitts's Law predicts that the time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target. UX designers apply this law to optimize button sizes and screen layouts, reducing effort and time for users.
Psychology in UX
Psychology in UX
Cognitive psychology principles are pivotal in UX. The Hicks-Hyman Law, for instance, suggests that the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices, guiding UX designers in simplifying decision-making processes.
Accessibility: Inclusive Design
Accessibility: Inclusive Design
Inclusive design ensures products are accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of disability or other factors. This involves adhering to WCAG guidelines and considering diverse user needs during the design process.
UX and Business Metrics
UX and Business Metrics
A strong UX design can significantly affect business KPIs. For instance, a well-designed checkout process can reduce cart abandonment rates and increase conversion, directly impacting revenue and customer retention.
Anticipatory Design
Anticipatory Design
Anticipatory design uses user data to predict and automate decision-making, minimizing user load. It’s the next frontier in UX, where the system delivers solutions one step before the user realizes the need for them.
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What does UX encompass?
Just interface design
End-user's total company interaction
Only product aesthetics