Understanding UI and UX: A Comprehensive Overview

UI vs UX Differences
UI vs UX Differences
User Interface (UI) is about the actual interface elements and their layout, while User Experience (UX) encompasses the full interaction process with a product. UI is a component of the broader UX.
The UX Iceberg Model
The UX Iceberg Model
Beyond the visible UI, UX includes layers such as functionality, content, and structure. Like an iceberg, much of the user experience is hidden beneath the surface, influencing satisfaction.
Emotional Design's Power
Emotional Design's Power
Emotional design targets user feelings to create delightful experiences, thus ensuring users form a strong emotional connection with the product, which can lead to brand loyalty and advocacy.
Importance of User Testing
Importance of User Testing
User testing prevents costly mistakes. It's vital for understanding actual user behavior and preferences, rather than assumptions, often uncovering surprising insights that can pivot a design's direction.
The Fitts's Law Application
The Fitts's Law Application
Fitts's Law suggests the time to acquire a target is a function of the target size and distance. In UI design, this translates to making buttons larger and placing common actions nearer to reduce effort.
Accessibility in Design
Accessibility in Design
Accessible design ensures users with disabilities can use products effectively. Surprisingly, it benefits everyone by improving overall usability and reaching a wider audience, including those with situational limitations.
Psychology of Color Usage
Psychology of Color Usage
Colors have psychological effects and can influence user actions. For instance, blue instills trust and security, often used in banking apps, while orange is considered energetic, commonly found in call-to-action buttons.
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What does UI focus on?
Interaction process
Interface elements layout
Hidden layers of design