Introduction to Design Thinking

What is Design Thinking?
What is Design Thinking?
Design Thinking is a solution-focused process tailored for complex problems. It's a five-phase method that values multidisciplinary collaboration and user-centricity. The approach originated at Stanford University in the 1990s and has roots in industrial design.
Phases of Design Thinking
Phases of Design Thinking
The five phases include Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. These are not necessarily sequential; designers often iterate back and forth between phases as they refine solutions, emphasizing the non-linear nature of the process.
Empathy: Core Principle
Empathy: Core Principle
Empathy in Design Thinking goes beyond understanding users' needs. It involves deep immersion to grasp the emotional experience of users. It can lead to revelations that heavily influence the direction of the project.
Ideation: Quantity Over Quality
Ideation: Quantity Over Quality
During ideation, teams aim to generate a vast quantity of ideas, encouraging wild solutions. It's rooted in the belief that volume breeds innovation and allows for the exploration of uncharted territories in problem-solving.
Prototyping: Learning by Doing
Prototyping: Learning by Doing
Prototyping is about creating tangible representations of ideas. It can be anything from storyboards to mock-ups. This phase is often where unexpected insights are gained, as interaction with the prototypes can challenge assumptions.
Embracing Failure
Embracing Failure
Design Thinking embraces failure as a stepping stone to innovation. Each failed prototype or test is a lesson that drives the project forward. This philosophy fosters a culture of resilience and continuous improvement.
Beyond Business
Beyond Business
While common in business, Design Thinking is also applied in education, healthcare, and social reform. Its principles can be used to address a wide array of human-centered challenges, making it a versatile tool in any problem-solver's arsenal. Mascot
When did Design Thinking originate?
Early 2000s at Stanford
1990s at Stanford University
1980s in industrial settings