The Evolution of Photography: From Camera Obscura to Digital Age

Photography's Early Days
Photography's Early Days
Did you know photography originated in the 5th century B.C.? Back then, Aristotle mentioned camera obscura, which later evolved into photography as we know it.
The First Photograph
The First Photograph
The world's first photo, taken in 1826, required eight hours of light exposure. It was captured by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, titled 'View from the Window at Le Gras'.
Color Photography Journey
Color Photography Journey
Although color photography was conceptualized in the 1840s, it didn't become widely practical until the 20th century with the introduction of Kodachrome.
Digital Photography Emergence
Digital Photography Emergence
The first digital camera was developed in 1975 by an engineer named Steven Sasson at Eastman Kodak, but it took decades before digital overshadowed film.
Megapixels Aren't Everything
Megapixels Aren't Everything
More megapixels don't always mean better quality. Sensor size, pixel size, and image processing also play crucial roles in the sharpness and detail of photos.
The Decisive Moment
The Decisive Moment
Henri Cartier-Bresson's concept of 'The Decisive Moment' revolutionized photography, emphasizing the importance of timing in capturing the essence of an event.
Photography's Psychological Impact
Photography's Psychological Impact
Studies suggest that looking at personal photos can significantly improve one's mood and mental health by evoking memories and positive emotions. Mascot
When was camera obscura first mentioned?
5th century B.C. by Aristotle
1826 by Joseph Niépce
1975 by Steven Sasson