The Tower's Secret Apartment
The Tower's Secret Apartment
Gustave Eiffel designed a private apartment for himself at the top. This hidden apartment, now open to the public, hosted famous visitors like Thomas Edison.
Initial Public Disdain
Initial Public Disdain
The Eiffel Tower was initially criticized by Paris's artistic elite, who considered it an eyesore. A petition called 'Artists against the Eiffel Tower' was signed to protest its construction.
Military Communications Hub
Military Communications Hub
During World War I, the Eiffel Tower intercepted enemy radio communications, relayed important messages, and even jammed German radio signals, playing a crucial role in the war.
Repainting the Icon
Repainting the Icon
The Eiffel Tower undergoes complete repainting every seven years, requiring 60 tons of paint. Each repaint can change the tower's color slightly.
Tower's Height Fluctuations
Tower's Height Fluctuations
Temperature changes cause the iron structure to expand and contract. The tower can grow up to 15 centimeters (6 inches) taller during the summer heat.
Hidden Bunker Mystery
Hidden Bunker Mystery
Beneath the Champ de Mars lies a hidden bunker connected to the tower. Its exact purpose remains unclear, adding a touch of mystery to the landmark.
Unique Ice Rink Attraction
Unique Ice Rink Attraction
For several winters, the Eiffel Tower hosted an ice rink on its first level, offering visitors a chance to skate 57 meters above Paris.
Weather-Altered Painting
Weather-Altered Painting
Paint color on the Eiffel Tower can look different based on the Paris weather, notably appearing more golden on sunny days. Mascot
Who visited Eiffel's private apartment?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Marie Curie
Thomas Edison