Defining 'Monument'
Defining 'Monument'
What qualifies as a monument? Generally, it's a structure or statue intentionally created to commemorate a person, event, or concept of cultural, historical, or social significance.
Counting the Countless
Counting the Countless
An exact count of world monuments is elusive. As new ones are built and old ones rediscovered, the number remains dynamic. UNESCO lists over 1,100 World Heritage Sites, a fraction of the total monuments.
Oldest Known Monuments
Oldest Known Monuments
The megalithic temples of Malta, dated 3600-2500 BCE, are some of the world's oldest free-standing monuments, showcasing humanity's early architectural accomplishments.
Diverse Monument Types
Diverse Monument Types
Monuments vary widely: from statues like the Statue of Liberty, to tombs like the Taj Mahal, to complex archaeological sites like Machu Picchu, each tells its own story.
Monuments in Peril
Monuments in Peril
Many monuments face threats from natural decay, human neglect, or conflict. The Bamiyan Buddhas, destroyed in 2001, remind us of the fragility of cultural heritage.
Future of Monuments
Future of Monuments
Contemporary monuments, such as the 9/11 Memorial, continue to be erected. They evolve in style and meaning, reflecting current societal values and historical perspectives.
Monuments Spark Controversy
Monuments Spark Controversy
Debates on monuments' relevance and representation emerge often. Confederate statues in the U.S. and colonial monuments in Africa have spurred discussions on which histories are commemorated.
Everlasting Monument
Everlasting Monument
The Great Wall of China is visible from space only with aid, not the naked eye. Mascot
What defines a monument?
Any historical structure
Structure commemorating significance
All UNESCO sites