Exploring the Rich History of Soccer

Soccer's Ancient Origins
Soccer's Ancient Origins
The earliest form of soccer dates back over 2,000 years, with variations played in ancient China, Greece, and parts of Central America. The Chinese game 'cuju' is the closest resemblance to modern soccer.
FIFA's Global Reign
FIFA's Global Reign
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in 1904. It governs international competitions with 211 member countries, more than the United Nations. FIFA's World Cup is the most viewed sporting event globally.
Offside Rule Evolution
Offside Rule Evolution
The offside rule was first introduced in 1863 but has undergone significant changes. Originally, any forward pass was forbidden; today, a player is only offside if ahead of the ball and the second last opponent.
Soccer Balls Unveiled
Soccer Balls Unveiled
Early soccer balls were made of animal bladders or skins. The iconic black and white panel design, created for the 1970 World Cup, ensured the ball was visible on black and white television broadcasts.
Legendary Pelé's Scoring Feat
Legendary Pelé's Scoring Feat
Brazilian star Pelé is the only player to win three FIFA World Cups (1958, 1962, and 1970). Notably, he scored a staggering 1,281 goals in 1,363 games, a Guinness World Record.
Soccer in War Ceasefire
Soccer in War Ceasefire
During World War I, a Christmas truce in 1914 led to an impromptu soccer game between German and British soldiers in No Man's Land, showcasing the sport's power to unite even in conflict.
Women’s Soccer Surges
Women’s Soccer Surges
The first recorded women’s soccer match was in 1895. The sport has grown exponentially, with the FIFA Women's World Cup becoming a major international tournament since its inception in 1991.
Learn.xyz Mascot
When was 'cuju' played?
Over 2,000 years ago
During the 15th century
After the 1900s