Christmas Traditions Around the World

Germany's Advent Wreaths
Germany's Advent Wreaths
In Germany, advent wreaths — evergreen rings with four candles — mark the weeks leading to Christmas. One candle is lit each Sunday, symbolizing the progressive anticipation of the holiday's joy and warmth.
Iceland's Book Flood
Iceland's Book Flood
Iceland has a unique tradition called 'Jólabókaflóð,' or the Christmas Book Flood. On Christmas Eve, people exchange books and spend the evening reading, reflecting the nation's deep love for literature.
Japan's KFC Christmas
Japan's KFC Christmas
In Japan, a successful 1974 marketing campaign made eating KFC on Christmas a national practice. This unusual tradition is so popular that orders must be placed weeks in advance.
Norwegian Brooms Hidden
Norwegian Brooms Hidden
Norway has an interesting belief that witches and evil spirits come out on Christmas Eve. To thwart them, Norwegians hide their brooms, an essential tool for a witch, before going to sleep.
Venezuela's Roller Skating Mass
Venezuela's Roller Skating Mass
In Caracas, Venezuela, it's customary to roller skate to the early morning Christmas Mass. This practice is so widespread that many streets are closed to vehicles, ensuring the safety of skating worshippers.
Italian 'Witch' La Befana
Italian 'Witch' La Befana
In Italy, children await La Befana, a friendly witch, on Epiphany Eve, January 5th. She delivers gifts to well-behaved children, similar to Santa Claus, but does so by broomstick and is said to sweep the floor before leaving.
Ukrainian Spiderweb Decorations
Ukrainian Spiderweb Decorations
Ukrainians adorn their Christmas trees with artificial spiderwebs, a tradition stemming from a folk tale where a spider wove a web that turned into gold and silver strands, bringing fortune to a poor family. Mascot
What marks Advent in Germany?
Candles lit on Sundays
Books exchanged, reading
Roller skating to Mass