Understanding Multi-Step Flows

Understanding Multi-Step Flows
Understanding Multi-Step Flows
Multi-step flow of information refers to the process where communication passes through multiple channels before reaching the final recipient. This layered dissemination was first conceptualized in the mid-20th century.
Origins of the Concept
Origins of the Concept
The theory emerged from marketing and communication studies, challenging the 'hypodermic needle' model that assumed direct influence of media on masses without intermediate layers.
The Two-Step Flow
The Two-Step Flow
Before the multi-step, there was the two-step flow theory. It proposed that information goes from media to opinion leaders, and then to a wider audience. This highlighted the role of personal influence.
Network Gatekeeping Theory
Network Gatekeeping Theory
Network gatekeeping theory expanded the idea by introducing multiple decision points—'gates'—where information could be filtered, modified, or redirected, influencing the final message conveyed.
Diffusion of Innovations
Diffusion of Innovations
Everett Rogers' 'Diffusion of Innovations' illustrated how new ideas pass through social networks and over time, adopting a multi-step flow in the spread of technological innovations.
Social Media's Impact
Social Media's Impact
Social media revolutionized multi-step flows by enabling information to bypass traditional gatekeepers, often leading to viral content but also to the rapid spread of misinformation.
Modern Multi-Step Complexities
Modern Multi-Step Complexities
Today's information ecosystems are complex, with multidirectional flows, feedback loops, and an interplay of algorithms and human interactions that shape the transfer and reception of messages.
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What does multi-step flow involve?
Direct media influence
Layered communication channels
Single-step data transfer