Understanding Indian Communication Models: Sadharanikaran and Rasa Theory

Communication Models Introduction
Communication Models Introduction
Communication theories offer frameworks for understanding information sharing. The Sadharanikaran model, rooted in Indian philosophy, emphasizes mutual understanding and shared experiences.
Sadharnikaran Model Explained
Sadharnikaran Model Explained
Developed by Binod Agarwal and V. S. Gupta, the Sadharanikaran model focuses on achieving 'Sadharnikaran'—commonness between sender and receiver through shared cultural and social values.
Natyashastra: Ancient Text
Natyashastra: Ancient Text
The Natyashastra, attributed to sage Bharata, is an ancient Indian treatise describing the performing arts. It codifies theatre, dance, and music, and outlines the Rasa Theory fundamental to Indian aesthetics.
Rasa Theory Unveiled
Rasa Theory Unveiled
Rasa Theory, integral to Natyashastra, proposes eight emotional states or 'Rasas' that performances should evoke: love, humor, sorrow, anger, heroism, terror, disgust, and wonder, with a ninth, peace, added later.
Rasas Impacting Communication
Rasas Impacting Communication
Each Rasa in the Rasa Theory corresponds to a mood in the audience, influencing their engagement. Understanding these emotions can enhance communication by resonating with the audience's feelings.
Intersecting Rasa and Sadharanikaran
Intersecting Rasa and Sadharanikaran
The Sadharanikaran model and Rasa Theory intersect by recognizing the importance of shared experiences and emotions in effective communication, vital for preserving cultural continuity.
Communication Universe Expanded
Communication Universe Expanded
Combining traditional models like Sadharanikaran with the emotional depth of Rasa Theory offers a holistic communication approach, acknowledging cultural specificity in universal human interactions.
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Who developed Sadharanikaran model?
Bharata and Gupta
Agarwal and Gupta
Bharata and Agarwal