Mastering the Seven Cs of Communication

Communication: A Complex Skill
Communication: A Complex Skill
Communication transcends mere verbal exchanges. It's an art involving seven essential elements, the 'Seven Cs,' ensuring clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in professional and personal interactions.
Clarity: Being Understandable
Clarity: Being Understandable
The first C, Clarity, is crucial. Using precise language and simple words eliminates misunderstandings. Fun fact: The average reading level for English-speaking adults is 7th to 8th grade, making clarity in simplicity a universal necessity.
Conciseness: Time is Precious
Conciseness: Time is Precious
Brevity is the soul of wit—and of communication. Conciseness means delivering a message in as few words as necessary. This respects the recipient's time and can prevent information overload, a common issue in the digital age.
Concreteness: Solid Understanding
Concreteness: Solid Understanding
Concreteness in communication involves being specific and avoiding vague language. It's linked with higher retention rates. Surprisingly, concrete language activates sensory areas of the brain, helping listeners visualize and remember the message.
Correctness: Accuracy Matters
Correctness: Accuracy Matters
Correctness eliminates confusion. Grammar, punctuation, and fact accuracy reinforce credibility. In a 2016 survey, 59% of Brits said poor spelling or grammar reduced a company's credibility, potentially impacting its bottom line.
Coherence: Logical Linking
Coherence: Logical Linking
Coherence ensures all points are connected and relevant, following a logical sequence. It makes the message more digestible. Studies show that coherent information is more easily recalled than disjointed snippets.
Completeness: Leaving No Gaps
Completeness: Leaving No Gaps
Completeness is providing all necessary information. Did you know that incomplete messages lead to more follow-up communications? This can double handling time and reduce productivity.
Courtesy: Respectful Rapport
Courtesy: Respectful Rapport
Courtesy goes beyond politeness; it's about tailoring the message with respect to the receiver’s perspective. It can significantly affect emotional response and willingness to cooperate, impacting negotiations and customer service outcomes. Mascot
What underpins effective communication?
Complex vocabulary usage
The 'Seven Cs' elements
Digital tools engagement