Decoding Nonverbal Communication

Importance of Nonverbals
Importance of Nonverbals
Nonverbal communication is believed to account for over 60% of all interpersonal communication. It conveys emotions and attitudes more powerfully than verbal cues, often without conscious awareness.
Facial Expressions Unveiled
Facial Expressions Unveiled
Our faces can express over 10,000 different expressions. They are the most universal forms of nonverbal communication, with certain expressions being recognized across diverse cultures.
Power of Microexpressions
Power of Microexpressions
Microexpressions are involuntary facial expressions that occur within a fraction of a second, exposing a person's true emotions, often before they're consciously aware of them. They're pivotal in lie detection.
Mirroring: Silent Rapport
Mirroring: Silent Rapport
Mirroring, the subconscious imitation of another person's nonverbal cues, builds rapport and trust. It's often used in negotiations and therapy to create a sense of empathy and understanding.
Gestures Speak Volumes
Gestures Speak Volumes
Gestures, like thumbs up, can have different meanings across cultures. They're deeply ingrained in social communication, often conveying messages without a single word required.
Space and Communication
Space and Communication
Proxemics, the study of personal space, varies culturally. The distance we keep conveys levels of intimacy, aggression, or formality. In some cultures, close proximity signifies trust.
Touch: The First Language
Touch: The First Language
Touch is the first sense humans develop. The type, duration, and strength of a touch can communicate affection, sympathy, power, and intent. It's essential in bonding and relationships. Mascot
What % of communication is nonverbal?
Just over 60%
Around 30%
Less than 50%