The Advantages of Rail Transport

Energy Efficiency Leader
Energy Efficiency Leader
Rail transport is highly energy-efficient, moving goods and passengers on steel wheels reduces resistance. Trains consume up to 9 times less energy per ton-mile than trucks, making rail the green choice for land freight.
Massive Cargo Capacity
Massive Cargo Capacity
A single freight train can carry the load of several hundred trucks. In fact, one train can haul enough grain to make roughly 2.5 million loaves of bread, showcasing its impressive economy of scale.
Reduced Traffic Congestion
Reduced Traffic Congestion
By transferring the bulk of heavy cargo from roads to railways, we significantly ease highway congestion. This results in fewer traffic accidents and less road maintenance, benefiting all road users.
Lower Greenhouse Emissions
Lower Greenhouse Emissions
Trains emit up to 80% less greenhouse gas per ton-mile than trucks. Electrified rail systems offer even greater benefits, with renewable energy sources making rail nearly carbon-neutral.
Safety in Transportation
Safety in Transportation
Rail transport is one of the safest modes, with a lower accident rate per mile compared to road transport. Enhanced signaling systems and automated controls are making it even safer.
Reliable, All-Weather Mode
Reliable, All-Weather Mode
Trains are less affected by adverse weather conditions than other modes of transport. They maintain schedules with precision, ensuring timely deliveries regardless of rain, snow, or fog.
Strategic Economic Backbone
Strategic Economic Backbone
Railways act as the arterial network for national economies, especially in large countries. They connect ports to hinterlands, facilitating trade and spurring economic development in remote areas. Mascot
How much less energy do trains use?
5 times less than trucks
9 times less than trucks
3 times less than trucks