Understanding the Voidbringers: A Comprehensive History

The First Desolation
The First Desolation
Voidbringers emerged during the cataclysmic events known as Desolations. Ancient records suggest these beings were intertwined with the arrival of the Heralds, enigmatic figures with immense power.
Voidbringers' True Identity
Voidbringers' True Identity
Surprisingly, the Voidbringers were later revealed to be the parshendi, a native species of Roshar. They can bond with voidspren, transforming into powerful and aggressive forms.
Myths and Misconceptions
Myths and Misconceptions
Earlier civilizations confused the Voidbringers with mythological creatures, leading to a distorted understanding. Modern interpretations reveal a complex relationship with the spren.
Ancient Technology Influence
Ancient Technology Influence
The Voidbringers' history is laced with lost technologies, like fabrials, which they may have used or inspired the development of, altering Roshar's technological landscape.
Interactions with Humans
Interactions with Humans
Humanity's interactions with Voidbringers are marked by conflict and cooperation. The infamous Knights Radiant fought against them, yet some humans later sympathized with their plight.
Evolving Cultural Impact
Evolving Cultural Impact
Cultural perceptions of Voidbringers shifted over time. Once seen as bringers of doom, they are now understood to be a deeply misunderstood race, with their own culture and history.
Modern-Day Voidbringers
Modern-Day Voidbringers
In present-day Roshar, the term 'Voidbringer' is contentious. It's a label with a legacy of fear, but many argue for its reconsideration in light of recent historic revelations.
Learn.xyz Mascot
Who were the Voidbringers during Desolations?
Mythological creatures
The parshendi species
Ancient human warriors