The Knights Radiant: History, Orders, and Powers

Origin of Radiants
Origin of Radiants
The Knights Radiant trace back to the Desolations, legendary wars against Voidbringers. Ten heraldic orders were founded, each based on an Honorblade and corresponding to one of the Ten Essences.
Spren Bonds and Powers
Spren Bonds and Powers
Knights Radiant form symbiotic bonds with spren, sentient manifestations of natural forces. These bonds grant them access to Surgebinding powers, involving manipulation of elemental and fundamental forces.
Orders and Ideals
Orders and Ideals
There are ten distinct orders, each with unique ideals, spren, and abilities. The Windrunners, for example, adhere to ideals of protection, partnering with honorspren, and can manipulate gravity and adhesion.
Shardblades and Shardplate
Shardblades and Shardplate
Radiants wield Shardblades, powerful soul-bound weapons that can cut through any material, and wear Shardplate, nearly indestructible armor. Both are manifestations of their spren's essence.
The Recreance Mystery
The Recreance Mystery
The Recreance was an event where Radiants inexplicably abandoned their oaths, causing their Shardblades and Shardplate to become dead relics, and their spren to perish.
Truthwatchers' Secrets
Truthwatchers' Secrets
The Order of Truthwatchers is shrouded in mystery. Rarely documented, these Radiants possessed foresight, a power regarded as dangerous and often associated with the Voidbringers.
Radiants' Modern Resurgence
Radiants' Modern Resurgence
After centuries, the Knights Radiant are reforming to confront a new Desolation. Individuals like Kaladin and Shallan rediscover ancient bonds, signaling a potential turning point in Roshar's history. Mascot
What wars led to Radiants' origin?
Legendary wars against Voidbringers
Battles of the Honorblades
Conflicts with the Truthwatchers