The Hacker's Guide to Cyberpunk LARPing

Cyberpunk Culture Origins
Cyberpunk Culture Origins
Cyberpunk, a genre blending high tech and low life, emerged in the early 1980s. It reflects societal issues through a dystopian lens, with hacker archetypes challenging authoritarian powers, often in a neon-soaked, gritty urban setting.
LARPing Explained
LARPing Explained
Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) involves participants physically embodying characters to experience and create stories. Cyberpunk LARPing combines role-play with futuristic narratives, simulating the life of hackers in a dystopian society.
Hackers in Cyberpunk
Hackers in Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk hackers, or 'netrunners', are rebels who navigate the digital landscape to uncover secrets and fight oppression. They're equipped with cybernetic enhancements, advanced software, and a deep understanding of the virtual world's architecture.
Cyberpunk Fashion
Cyberpunk Fashion
Iconic to LARPing hackers, cyberpunk fashion includes neon visors, leather jackets, and futuristic gadgets. The aesthetic is crucial for immersion, reflecting both personal identity and socio-political status within the game's universe.
Creating Your Hacker Persona
Creating Your Hacker Persona
Developing a hacker persona involves choosing a name, backstory, skills, and moral code. Are you a corporate spy, a vigilante for justice, or a mercenary for hire? Your character's ethos will guide your decisions in-game.
Tech & Tools
Tech & Tools
In-game, hackers use 'cyberdecks', custom tech tools for breaching systems. Props can range from modified keyboards to LED-lit gadgets, providing both aesthetics and functional gameplay elements.
The Hacker Ethos
The Hacker Ethos
Cyberpunk LARPing isn't just about tech; it's a mindset. Hackers often follow a code, challenging the status quo and valuing knowledge freedom. This ethos is a cornerstone for in-game decision-making and character development. Mascot
What decade did cyberpunk emerge?
Late 1990s
Early 1980s
Mid 1970s