The Fascinating Journey of Pizza

Origins of Pizza
Origins of Pizza
Although commonly associated with Italy, pizza-like dishes were eaten by ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. The modern pizza evolved in Naples, Italy, in the 18th century, initially as a dish for the poor.
Margherita's Royal Roots
Margherita's Royal Roots
Pizza gained fame when a Naples pizzeria created the 'Pizza Margherita' to honor the 1889 visit of Queen Margherita of Savoy. Its toppings of tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil represented the Italian flag.
Global Pizza Variations
Global Pizza Variations
Different cultures have spawned unique takes on pizza. For instance, Japan offers pizza with squid and Mayo Jaga (mayonnaise, potato, bacon), while Brazil enjoys a green pea topping.
The Longest Pizza Record
The Longest Pizza Record
The world record for the longest pizza was set in California in 2017, stretching over 1.32 miles (2.13 kilometers). This record-breaking creation required over 8,000 pounds of dough.
Pizza in Space
Pizza in Space
Pizza has even made it into space. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have enjoyed specially-designed pizzas that can be cooked in a zero-gravity oven.
Pizza Economy
Pizza Economy
In the U.S. alone, pizza is a multi-billion-dollar industry. Over 3 billion pizzas are sold annually, and the average American eats about 46 slices a year.
Unusual Pizza Museums
Unusual Pizza Museums
Pizza is celebrated in several museums around the world, including the Pizza Brain in Philadelphia, which holds the world's largest collection of pizza-related memorabilia.
World’s Fastest Pizza Delivery
World’s Fastest Pizza Delivery
In 2004, a pizza was delivered by drone in 30 minutes to a remote Arctic research station, 124 miles from the nearest town. Mascot
Where did modern pizza originally evolve?
Ancient Egypt
18th century Naples
Rome during Empire