Witchcraft: An Introduction

Witchcraft: An Introduction
Witchcraft: An Introduction
Witchcraft has been practiced globally for centuries. It often combines rituals, spells, and the invocation of spirits. Its portrayal varies from malevolent to healing across different cultures.
Historical Persecution
Historical Persecution
Throughout history, witch hunts were common, peaking during the Early Modern period. Notorious trials, like Salem's, led to tragic executions, often fueled by fear, superstition, and religious fervor.
Protection Against Curses
Protection Against Curses
Various cultures use amulets, talismans, or rituals for protection. The evil eye, a curse from a malevolent gaze, is often warded off with eye-shaped symbols.
White vs. Black Magic
White vs. Black Magic
Witchcraft is often dichotomized into 'white' (healing, benevolent) and 'black' (harmful, malevolent) magic. This oversimplification ignores the complex nature of many traditions.
Modern Wicca
Modern Wicca
Wicca, a modern Pagan religion, emerged in the 20th century. It focuses on a balance with nature, observing seasonal festivals and embracing both gods and goddesses.
Witches' Sabbats
Witches' Sabbats
Witches are believed to convene during sabbats, ceremonial gatherings on solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days. These are key to the Wiccan Wheel of the Year.
Witchcraft Today
Witchcraft Today
Contemporary witchcraft often emphasizes self-empowerment and spirituality. Some practitioners combine traditional methods with modern psychology to create personalized rituals for protection and healing.
Witches in Court
Witches in Court
In 1944, a British woman was convicted of witchcraft, marking one of the last witch trials in the Western world.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What is witchcraft's global portrayal range?
Only malevolent
From malevolent to healing
Solely for healing