Understanding Predictors in UVM

Predictors in UVM
Predictors in UVM
Predictors, or scoreboards, are vital within UVM to verify data integrity. They model expected behavior independently of the design under test, allowing comparison between expected and actual results.
Why Predictors Matter
Why Predictors Matter
Predictors enhance testbench robustness by catching mismatches and providing a basis for coverage-driven verification. They are key to achieving closure in functional verification.
Predictor Implementation
Predictor Implementation
Implemented as UVM components, predictors replicate the design's functionality. They transform input transactions into expected outputs, using pure algorithmic representations.
Predictors vs. Monitors
Predictors vs. Monitors
Unlike monitors that passively observe signals, predictors actively generate expected results. This proactive stance is fundamental in catching errors that might otherwise be overlooked.
Handling Concurrency
Handling Concurrency
Predictors must handle concurrent transactions and temporal aspects accurately to match the design's timing behavior, which often involves sophisticated algorithmic modeling.
Self-Checking Testbenches
Self-Checking Testbenches
With predictors, testbenches become self-checking. They autonomously compare the DUT outputs to predicted results, flagging discrepancies without manual intervention.
Predictor Reusability
Predictor Reusability
Well-designed predictors are modular and reusable across different testbenches and projects, streamlining the verification process for future designs with similar functionality.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What do predictors model in UVM?
Actual design behavior
Design's timing behavior
Expected behavior independently