Understanding Go Slices

Understanding Go Slices
Understanding Go Slices
Slices in Go are a data type that provides a more powerful interface to sequences than arrays. Unlike arrays, slices are dynamically-sized and flexible, allowing for efficient operations like slicing without copying the underlying array.
Slices Internals Explained
Slices Internals Explained
Each slice in Go has three components: a pointer to the array, the length of the segment it represents, and its capacity. The capacity indicates the maximum size the slice can grow to without reallocating.
Creating and Initializing
Creating and Initializing
Slices can be created with the built-in `make` function, initialized from an array, or using a slice literal. `make([]int, 5)` creates a slice of integers with length and capacity 5, initialized to zero.
Slicing Without Copying
Slicing Without Copying
When you create a new slice by 'slicing' an existing one, no data is copied. Instead, a new slice reference is created pointing to the same underlying array but with different start and end points.
Appending to Slices
Appending to Slices
The `append` function can add elements to a slice. If the slice has enough capacity, elements are added in place. If not, a new array is allocated with double the original capacity to accommodate growth.
Copy and Full Slice Expressions
Copy and Full Slice Expressions
The `copy` function can duplicate elements from one slice to another. Full slice expressions allow control over the capacity of the resulting slice, a lesser-known feature useful for limiting the slice's growth.
Slices and Garbage Collection
Slices and Garbage Collection
Slices can lead to memory leaks if large arrays are kept in memory by a slice that only uses a small part. To prevent this, it's often a good practice to copy the required elements to a new slice.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What are Go slices?
Fixed-size sequence arrays
Dynamically-sized flexible sequences
Immutable string types