Understanding Design Patterns

Understanding Design Patterns
Understanding Design Patterns
Design patterns are typical solutions to recurring design issues. They provide a standardized approach to solve common problems, improving code maintainability, and communication among developers through a shared vocabulary.
History and Origin
History and Origin
The concept of design patterns was popularized in software engineering by the 'Gang of Four' in their 1994 book. The patterns stem from the work in architecture by Christopher Alexander in the 1970s.
Patterns Classification
Patterns Classification
Design patterns are categorized into Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns. Creational patterns deal with object creation, Structural with class composition, and Behavioral patterns focus on communication between entities.
Singleton: A Controversial Pattern
Singleton: A Controversial Pattern
The Singleton pattern ensures a class has only one instance. It's widely used yet controversial due to its potential to introduce global state, making testing and concurrency more challenging.
Patterns in Frameworks
Patterns in Frameworks
Many popular frameworks utilize design patterns. For example, the Observer pattern is foundational in event-driven systems, and MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a compound pattern widely used in web development.
Anti-Patterns: The Dark Side
Anti-Patterns: The Dark Side
Anti-patterns are common responses to recurring problems that are ineffective and counterproductive. Recognizing anti-patterns, like 'Spaghetti Code' or 'God Object,' is crucial for maintaining a healthy codebase.
Evolving Patterns
Evolving Patterns
Design patterns evolve with programming paradigms. For instance, the rise of functional programming has led to functional patterns that differ from traditional object-oriented ones, showing the adaptability of design pattern concepts.
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What do design patterns standardize?
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