Best Practices for Secure .NET Development

Secure Coding Standards
Secure Coding Standards
Adopt a secure coding standard like the OWASP's ASVS. Ensure developers are trained and code is reviewed against these standards to mitigate common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
Dependency Management
Dependency Management
Regularly update and patch all third-party libraries and frameworks. Use tools like NuGet Package Manager with automated alerts for vulnerabilities to keep your .NET services safe from exploits in outdated dependencies.
Principle of Least Privilege
Principle of Least Privilege
Follow the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) in all aspects of .NET services. Run services with minimal permissions to reduce the impact of a potential security breach.
Authentication Best Practices
Authentication Best Practices
Leverage ASP.NET Core Identity for robust user authentication. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and store passwords securely using hash algorithms like Argon2, bcrypt, or PBKDF2.
Data Protection API
Data Protection API
Use the Data Protection API in ASP.NET to securely handle encryption and decryption of sensitive data. This API provides a simple way to protect data without being an encryption expert.
Logging and Monitoring
Logging and Monitoring
Implement comprehensive logging with a tool like Serilog and monitor with ELK stack or Azure Monitor. Detect anomalies and potential threats early by monitoring metrics and logs in real-time.
Incident Response Plan
Incident Response Plan
Prepare an incident response plan outlining steps to take during a security breach. Include notification procedures, recovery operations, and a post-mortem analysis to prevent future incidents. Mascot
What standard mitigates SQL injection?
NuGet Package Manager
Data Protection API