Mastering Exception Handling in C++

Exception Handling Introduction
Exception Handling Introduction
C++ exceptions provide a way to react to unforeseen problems that occur during program execution. They separate error-handling code from the main program logic, making the code cleaner and more maintainable.
Basic Exception Syntax
Basic Exception Syntax
A C++ exception is raised with 'throw', caught with 'catch', and specified with 'try'. When an exception is thrown, the program searches for the nearest catch block that matches the exception's type.
Standard Exception Hierarchy
Standard Exception Hierarchy
C++ has a hierarchy of exception classes derived from std::exception. This hierarchy includes logic_error, runtime_error, and their subclasses, each representing different error domains.
Custom Exception Classes
Custom Exception Classes
You can create custom exception classes by inheriting from std::exception. This allows for exceptions that carry more context and can be handled with greater specificity in your application.
Exception Safety Guarantees
Exception Safety Guarantees
C++ functions can provide different exception safety levels: no-throw, strong, basic, and no guarantee. These levels describe the state of program if exceptions occur, providing insights into potential risks.
Stack Unwinding Process
Stack Unwinding Process
When an exception is thrown, C++ unwinds the stack, destroying local objects in reverse order of their creation, until it finds a suitable catch block, ensuring proper resource deallocation.
Best Practices in Handling
Best Practices in Handling
Prefer standard exceptions over custom ones, catch exceptions by reference, use RAII to manage resources, and avoid exceptions in destructors. Proper practices prevent resource leaks and undefined behavior. Mascot
What separates error-handling from main logic?
'catch' and 'try' blocks
C++ exceptions
Standard exception classes