Introduction to Linked Lists

Introduction to Linked Lists
Introduction to Linked Lists
Unlike arrays, linked lists are dynamic and flexible data structures. They consist of nodes linked together, allowing efficient insertion and deletion without shifting elements.
Singly Linked List Anatomy
Singly Linked List Anatomy
Each node in a singly linked list contains data and a pointer to the next node. The first node is called the head, and the last node points to NULL, indicating the list's end.
Linked List vs. Array
Linked List vs. Array
Linked lists have advantages over arrays: no size limit, efficient insertions/deletions. Conversely, they lack direct access to elements, leading to higher access times and increased memory usage due to pointers.
Node Insertion Explained
Node Insertion Explained
Inserting a new node requires adjusting pointers. To insert after a given node, point the new node's 'next' to the subsequent node, then redirect the previous node's 'next' to the new node.
Node Deletion Insights
Node Deletion Insights
When deleting a node, the key is to relink its predecessor to its successor. Special cases include deleting the head or a node with no successor, which require additional checks.
Traversal Techniques
Traversal Techniques
Traversing a singly linked list involves sequential access from the head, using the 'next' pointers to visit each node. This is a linear-time operation, crucial for many list manipulations.
Memory Management
Memory Management
Proper memory management is vital. When nodes are deleted, freeing the associated memory prevents leaks. In C, this means using 'free()' for every 'malloc()' used to create list nodes. Mascot
What defines a linked list's flexibility?
Fixed size and capacity
Dynamic size, efficient modifications
Direct element access