Introduction to C#

Introduction to C#
Introduction to C#
C# is a versatile language developed by Microsoft in 2000. It's widely used for enterprise applications, games with Unity, and cross-platform development. As a C-family language, it offers a familiar syntax for C/C++ programmers.
Setting Up Environment
Setting Up Environment
Start with Visual Studio, Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE). It simplifies C# development with features like IntelliSense, debugging, and built-in Git support. Visual Studio Code is a lighter alternative for non-Windows users.
Understanding .NET Framework
Understanding .NET Framework
C# runs on the .NET framework, which includes a vast library and runtime environment for Windows apps. .NET Core, a cross-platform successor, supports macOS, Linux, and cloud applications, expanding C#'s versatility.
C# Basic Syntax
C# Basic Syntax
Familiarize yourself with C#'s syntax: data types, variables, operators, and control flow statements. Explore object-oriented programming features such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism, which are fundamental in C#.
Advanced C# Features
Advanced C# Features
C# has advanced features like LINQ for data queries, async/await for asynchronous programming, and attributes for metadata. These allow writing powerful and efficient applications with cleaner, more maintainable code.
Effective Debugging Practices
Effective Debugging Practices
Mastering debugging is essential. Learn to use breakpoints, watch windows, and the call stack in Visual Studio. Understand exception handling to manage errors gracefully. Good debugging skills dramatically improve problem-solving efficiency.
Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning
Build real-world projects to solidify your understanding. Create a console app, a web API with ASP.NET Core, or a game with Unity. Each project will introduce practical challenges and solutions, deepening your C# expertise. Mascot
When was C# developed by Microsoft?
In 1995
In 2000
In 2005