Flask Introduction and Fundamentals

Flask Introduction
Flask Introduction
Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It's designed to make getting started quick and easy, with the ability to scale up to complex applications. It began as an April Fool's joke but became wildly popular.
Flask's Minimalist Design
Flask's Minimalist Design
Flask offers a 'no batteries included' philosophy. This is in contrast to Django's 'batteries included' approach. Flask provides the essentials, but extensions are required for form validation, ORM, and more.
Routing in Flask
Routing in Flask
Flask uses Werkzeug's routing system. Routes in Flask are defined with view functions. Dynamic parts in the route can be specified using angular brackets, allowing for variable rules and URL building.
Flask and WebSockets
Flask and WebSockets
Flask does not natively support WebSockets. However, libraries like Flask-SocketIO allow Flask applications to handle WebSocket communication, enabling real-time bi-directional communications between client and server.
The Flask Application Context
The Flask Application Context
Flask uses contexts to avoid having to pass objects around. The application context keeps track of the application-level data during a request, CLI command, or other activity. It's what makes the 'current_app' variable work.
Flask's Templating Engine
Flask's Templating Engine
Flask utilizes Jinja2 as its templating engine. This allows Python-like expressions and control flow statements inside HTML. Jinja2 is powerful and includes features like template inheritance and filters.
Flask's Testing Support
Flask's Testing Support
Flask provides a built-in way to perform unit tests. The framework includes a test client for this purpose. This allows developers to simulate requests and check responses without running a server.
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What language is Flask written in?