The Life and Legacy of Albert Einstein

Einstein's Early Years
Einstein's Early Years
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. A curious child, he spoke later than typical, igniting a lifelong fluency in thought before words, which foreshadowed his theoretical genius.
Swiss Patent Clerk
Swiss Patent Clerk
Working as a third-class patent clerk in Bern, Einstein had ample time to think. This 'miracle year' of 1905 birthed his four groundbreaking papers while he balanced a day job, radically transforming physics.
Quantum Theory Contributor
Quantum Theory Contributor
Einstein's contributions to quantum theory are overshadowed by relativity, yet he earned his Nobel Prize for the photoelectric effect, which underpins today’s solar panels and initiated quantum mechanics.
Global Fame and Pacifism
Global Fame and Pacifism
Post-World War I, Einstein became an international celebrity, often using his fame to advocate for pacifism and Zionism. Later, he openly opposed the Nazis, leading to his emigration to the US in 1933.
Hidden Musical Talent
Hidden Musical Talent
Einstein’s passion for the violin was near equal to his love of physics. He played throughout his life, believing that Mozart's music reflected the harmony of the universe, akin to his own search in science.
General Theory of Relativity
General Theory of Relativity
Einstein's General Relativity, published in 1915, revolutionized gravity's concept, predicting phenomena like black holes and gravitational waves, only experimentally confirmed a century later.
Einstein's Brain Mysteries
Einstein's Brain Mysteries
After his death in 1955, Einstein's brain was preserved and studied. Unusual features were found, such as extraordinary folding in the region responsible for mathematical thought, possibly hinting at his genius.
Einstein's Eyesight Oddity
Einstein's Eyesight Oddity
Despite his visual brilliance in physics, Einstein had a rare congenital eye condition called 'eyelid epicanthus,' giving him distinctively unique eyes. Mascot
When was Einstein born?
March 14, 1879
April 20, 1879
May 5, 1880