Understanding Canine Rabies

Understanding Canine Rabies
Understanding Canine Rabies
Rabies in dogs, known as 'besnilo kod pasa', is a viral disease affecting the brain and central nervous system. It's fatal once symptoms appear, and is most commonly transmitted through saliva via bites.
Historical Rabies Perspectives
Historical Rabies Perspectives
Rabies has been documented since 2000 BC. In the past, 'besnilo kod pasa' was often associated with supernatural forces. It's one of the oldest known viruses that affect both animals and humans.
Rabies Virus Structure
Rabies Virus Structure
The rabies virus is bullet-shaped with a single-stranded RNA genome. It has a protein envelope that helps it invade nervous tissue, crucial for the virus's transmission and pathogenicity.
Signs of Canine Rabies
Signs of Canine Rabies
Initial symptoms in dogs include behavioral changes, fever, and chewing at the bite site. Progression leads to either furious rabies, with aggression and excess salivation, or paralytic rabies, causing weakness and loss of coordination.
Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Not all rabid animals display aggression. 'Besnilo kod pasa' can spread through licking of open wounds or mucous membranes. The virus can't penetrate intact skin but finds entry through the slightest of cuts.
Preventing Canine Rabies
Preventing Canine Rabies
Vaccination is the most effective prevention. Globally, mass canine vaccinations have significantly reduced rabies cases. Prompt post-exposure prophylaxis in humans and animals after potential exposure is critical to prevent the disease.
Rabies Elimination Efforts
Rabies Elimination Efforts
Initiatives like World Rabies Day on September 28 aim to raise awareness and eliminate rabies. 'Besnilo kod pasa' is a focal point, as controlling it in dogs is key to eradicating human cases.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What structure is rabies virus?
Bullet-shaped with protein envelope
Spherical with carbohydrate capsule
Rod-shaped without envelope