Managing Your Dog's Excitement

Understanding Canine Excitement
Understanding Canine Excitement
Dogs often exhibit exuberant joy upon seeing their owners due to strong emotional bonds. This excitement is a sign of affection and can be linked to the pack mentality, where reuniting is a joyful occasion.
Hormones Behind the Excitement
Hormones Behind the Excitement
Excitement triggers the release of various hormones in dogs, including dopamine and oxytocin. These 'feel-good' hormones reinforce the positive feelings associated with owner interaction, making each greeting a rewarding experience.
Behavior Reinforcement
Behavior Reinforcement
Unknowingly, we might reinforce overexcitement by giving attention or treats when our dog greets us energetically. This can form a habit, making the dog more likely to repeat the behavior.
Calming Overexcited Dogs
Calming Overexcited Dogs
Training your dog to remain calm during greetings involves consistency. Teach them to sit and wait before getting attention. Use calm, assertive energy to manage their excitement level.
Exercise and Stimulation
Exercise and Stimulation
Adequate exercise and mental stimulation can reduce excessive excitement. Tired dogs with fulfilled physical and cognitive needs are generally calmer when greeting their owners.
Professional Training Assistance
Professional Training Assistance
Consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer if your dog's excitement is difficult to manage. They can provide tailored strategies and support for behavior modification.
Patience and Positive Reinforcement
Patience and Positive Reinforcement
Transforming excitement into calmness requires patience. Always use positive reinforcement, rewarding your dog for calm behavior rather than punishing excitement, to foster a stress-free environment. Mascot
Why do dogs get excited seeing owners?
Due to strong emotional bonds
Expecting food immediately
Because of training