Introduction to Hovawarts

Introduction to Hovawarts
Introduction to Hovawarts
The Hovawart is a versatile working dog breed from Germany. Its name means 'an estate guardian,' and it was recognized by the German Kennel Club in 1937.
Historical Significance
Historical Significance
Hovawarts have medieval roots, once mentioned in German texts dating back to the 13th century. They were esteemed for guarding estates and saving lives from wild animals.
Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics
Hovawarts are robust and powerful, with a slightly longer than tall build. Males can reach up to 70 cm in height, females slightly less, with a keen, intelligent expression.
Temperament and Intelligence
Temperament and Intelligence
These dogs are known for their loyalty, confidence, and calm demeanor. They're highly intelligent, which makes them excellent at search and rescue, and as service dogs.
Training and Socialization
Training and Socialization
Hovawarts require consistent training and early socialization. Their intelligence and working dog lineage mean they thrive on tasks and challenges.
Health and Lifespan
Health and Lifespan
Hovawarts are generally healthy with a lifespan of 10-14 years. They can be prone to hip dysplasia and require regular exercise to maintain physical and mental health.
Rare Breed Considerations
Rare Breed Considerations
Despite their qualities, Hovawarts are a rare breed outside of Europe. They require committed owners who understand working breeds and can provide structure and activity. Mascot
What does 'Hovawart' translate to?
German Shepherd
Estate Guardian
Medieval Hunter