Mastering Ficus Lyrata Care

Introduction to Ficus Lyrata
Introduction to Ficus Lyrata
The fiddle leaf fig, scientifically named Ficus lyrata, is a popular, attractive houseplant with violin-shaped leaves known for their air-purifying qualities.
Optimal Lighting Conditions
Optimal Lighting Conditions
Fiddle leaf figs require bright, filtered light. Direct sunlight can scorch leaves, while too little light stunts growth. East-facing windows are ideal for the perfect balance.
Watering Your Fig Wisely
Watering Your Fig Wisely
Water only when the top inch of soil is dry. Overwatering can lead to root rot, a common issue. Less water is required in winter months.
Ideal Humidity & Temperature
Ideal Humidity & Temperature
Fiddle leaf figs thrive in humidity levels of 60-75% and temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes to prevent leaf drop.
Nutrition and Soil Mixture
Nutrition and Soil Mixture
Use a well-draining soil mix and fertilize during growing months. Slow-release pellets are ideal. Refrain from feeding in winter when the plant is dormant.
Pruning for Growth
Pruning for Growth
Pruning encourages a bushier growth and maintains a desirable shape. Always prune just above a leaf node. Spring is the best time for this task.
Pest Prevention Tips
Pest Prevention Tips
Inspect regularly for pests like spider mites and mealybugs. Wipe leaves with a neem oil solution to prevent infestations. Quarantine new plants to protect your fig. Mascot
What shape are Ficus lyrata's leaves?
Round and small
Violin-shaped and large
Long and narrow