Introduction to Companion Planting

Introduction to Companion Planting
Introduction to Companion Planting
Companion planting is an age-old practice where different plants are grown together for mutual benefits, such as pest control, pollination, and spatial efficiency.
Basil and Tomato Synergy
Basil and Tomato Synergy
Basil is a champion companion for tomatoes, repelling pests like flies and mosquitoes. It's believed to even improve the flavor of tomatoes when grown in proximity.
Marigolds: The Pest Deterrent
Marigolds: The Pest Deterrent
Marigolds are not just pretty; they release a substance from their roots that deters nematodes, protecting neighboring plants like cucumbers and eggplants.
Nurturing with Nettles
Nurturing with Nettles
Stinging nettles, when planted in proximity, can enhance the oil content of nearby herbs and increase their essential nutrient levels, making them more robust.
Chamomile: Plant Healer
Chamomile: Plant Healer
Chamomile doesn't just soothe humans; it plays a healer in the garden, too. It can improve the health and strength of plants growing nearby by enhancing calcium uptake.
Garlic's Fungal Protection
Garlic's Fungal Protection
Garlic plants can protect fruit trees from borers and are known to prevent fungal diseases when planted at the base of roses, deterring aphids in the process.
Mint's Repellent Qualities
Mint's Repellent Qualities
While mint should be contained to prevent it from spreading, its strong scent is excellent for repelling ants, rodents, and even cabbage moths, benefiting nearby plants. Mascot
What's basil's benefit to tomatoes?
Increases tomato size
Repels pests, enhances flavor
Attracts bees for pollination