Exploring the Wonders of the Philippines

World's Leading Island Count
World's Leading Island Count
The Philippines consists of over 7,640 islands, with only about 2,000 inhabited. This archipelago has one of the world's longest coastlines, offering a diverse set of ecosystems.
Volcanic Country Landscape
Volcanic Country Landscape
Home to 300 volcanoes, 22 are active, including the famous Mayon Volcano known for its perfect cone shape. The volcanic soil contributes to the country's rich biodiversity.
Center of Marine Biodiversity
Center of Marine Biodiversity
The Philippines' Coral Triangle is the center of the world's marine biodiversity, containing 76% of the world's coral species and thousands of marine life forms.
Jeepneys: Cultural Icons
Jeepneys: Cultural Icons
Jeepneys are colorful, flamboyant public transport vehicles originally made from U.S. military jeeps left after World War II. They are a testament to Filipino ingenuity.
Thriving Indigenous Groups
Thriving Indigenous Groups
Over 100 ethnolinguistic groups exist in the Philippines, each with their own language and traditions. The Kalinga and the Aeta are some of the well-known indigenous peoples.
Capital's Gigantic Shoes
Capital's Gigantic Shoes
The city of Marikina holds the record for the world's largest pair of shoes, each measuring over 5 meters in length. Marikina is also known as the Shoe Capital of the Philippines.
Unique Festivals and Feasts
Unique Festivals and Feasts
The Philippines is famous for its colorful festivals, like Sinulog and Ati-Atihan, celebrating history, religion, and culture, often with street dances, intricate costumes, and grand parades.
Mysterious Chocolate Hills
Mysterious Chocolate Hills
Bohol's Chocolate Hills turn brown during the dry season, resembling chocolate mounds. Their origin remains a geological mystery, even for scientists.
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How many Philippine islands are inhabited?
Over 7,640 islands inhabited
About 2,000 islands inhabited
Less than 1,000 islands inhabited