Exploration of American Literary Movements in the 19th Century

Early 19th Century Foundations
Early 19th Century Foundations
The 19th century introduced a distinctly American literary voice. Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper brought attention to American themes and landscapes, setting the stage for a national literature separate from European influences.
Transcendentalism Emerges
Transcendentalism Emerges
Transcendentalism, a philosophical movement led by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, emphasized nature, individuality, and self-reliance. Their works questioned materialism and aimed to transcend the physical world.
Poe's Gothic Influence
Poe's Gothic Influence
Edgar Allan Poe revolutionized the horror and mystery genres. Known for his macabre style, Poe's 'The Raven' and 'The Tell-Tale Heart' stand as pillars of Gothic literature and continue to influence writers globally.
Slave Narratives' Poignant Voices
Slave Narratives' Poignant Voices
Former slaves like Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs authored narratives that exposed the brutal realities of slavery and contributed to the abolitionist movement. These accounts remain vital for understanding American history and literature.
Herman Melville's Complex Epics
Herman Melville's Complex Epics
Herman Melville's 'Moby-Dick' initially met with criticism, yet it's now celebrated for its complex symbolism and exploration of existential themes. Melville's intricate prose and psychological depth were ahead of his time.
Mark Twain's Social Commentary
Mark Twain's Social Commentary
Mark Twain, with his masterpieces 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,' critiqued social norms and racial prejudices under the guise of Southern vernacular and humor.
Emily Dickinson's Lyrical Genius
Emily Dickinson's Lyrical Genius
Emily Dickinson's poetry, discovered posthumously, features unconventional punctuation and slant rhyme. Her introspective and often cryptic verses expanded the boundaries of poetic form and content.
Poe's Prank on Readers
Poe's Prank on Readers
Edgar Allan Poe once published a hoax scientific article about a balloon trip to the moon, fooling many readers and showcasing his versatile storytelling.
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Who set stage for national literature?
Irving and Cooper
Emerson and Thoreau
Douglass and Jacobs