The Tragic Tale of Okla: Consequences of Alien Captivity

Okla: Alien Captivity
Okla: Alien Captivity
Okla, an extraterrestrial, was captured by humans. Held in a secret facility, Okla became a subject of harsh experiments designed to understand alien biology, disregarding any ethical considerations.
Harrowing Torture Effects
Harrowing Torture Effects
The torture inflicted upon Okla included invasive procedures and exposure to harmful substances. This led to severe physical and psychological trauma, highlighting the disregard for sentient life.
Parasitic Infection Onset
Parasitic Infection Onset
During confinement, Okla contracted a rare parasite, likely introduced during one of the experiments. The parasite gradually altered Okla's physiology, forcing a dependence on human flesh for survival.
Forced Cannibalistic Turn
Forced Cannibalistic Turn
The infection's progression compelled Okla to consume humans to sustain life. This drastic change was unforeseen by captors and posed an ethical dilemma about the consequences of playing with alien life.
Escape and Predation
Escape and Predation
Okla managed to escape captivity. Now, struggling with the parasitic infection's demands and coping with newfound predatory instincts, Okla faces a moral crisis while trying to survive on Earth.
Humans: The Real Monsters?
Humans: The Real Monsters?
Okla's story brings into question who the real monsters are. It urges us to reflect on humanity's capacity for cruelty when dealing with the unknown and the repercussions of such actions. Mascot
Who was captured by humans?
A human researcher
An extraterrestrial named Okla
A common parasite