The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It's notorious for the mysterious disappearance of aircraft and ships.
Geography and Myth
Geography and Myth
Covering about 500,000 square miles, the Triangle's points are Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. It became mythologized as a zone of anomalies after multiple vanishings in the 20th century.
Natural Explanations
Natural Explanations
Scientific explanations include magnetic anomalies, water spouts, and methane hydrates that could potentially sink ships by reducing water density.
Human Error & Weather
Human Error & Weather
Pilot error, navigational mistakes, and the area's unpredictable weather are often overlooked yet common reasons for the disappearances.
No Greater Mystery
No Greater Mystery
Research suggests that the Bermuda Triangle does not have a higher number of incidents than other heavily trafficked regions of the world.
Space Shuttle Discovery
Space Shuttle Discovery
NASA's Space Shuttle Discovery experienced mysterious electronics issues flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Mascot
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
A Caribbean island
A North Atlantic region
An oceanic trench