Optimizing Brain Health Through Diet

Brain's Unique Dietary Demands
Brain's Unique Dietary Demands
The brain consumes about 20% of your daily calorie intake, despite making up only 2% of body weight. It requires a constant supply of glucose and up to 20% of the body's blood to function optimally.
Fatty Acids and Cognition
Fatty Acids and Cognition
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are crucial for brain health. DHA, a type of Omega-3, facilitates the formation of cellular membranes, and is integral for learning, memory, and cognitive function.
Antioxidants Protect Brain Cells
Antioxidants Protect Brain Cells
Antioxidants in foods like berries and leafy greens safeguard brain cells from oxidative stress. This can prevent age-related cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer's by neutralizing harmful free radicals.
Micronutrients Magnify Mental Skills
Micronutrients Magnify Mental Skills
Micronutrients like vitamins B6, B12, and folate are vital for brain function. They regulate homocysteine levels, which, when high, are associated with cognitive decline and increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
Spices: Unexpected Brain Boosters
Spices: Unexpected Brain Boosters
Turmeric contains curcumin, which may delay or reverse brain diseases and age-related decreases in brain function. Similarly, cinnamon has compounds that could protect against Parkinson's disease.
Hydration's Cognitive Connection
Hydration's Cognitive Connection
Even mild dehydration can impair memory and attention. Water makes up 75% of brain mass, so staying hydrated is essential for maintaining concentration and cognitive function.
Probiotics Influence Brain Health
Probiotics Influence Brain Health
Gut microbiota impacts the brain's function and health through the gut-brain axis. Probiotics found in fermented foods can enhance mood, cognitive function, and lower stress-related hormones like cortisol.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What percentage of calories does the brain use?