Optimizing Brain Health Through Nutrition

Brain: Nutritional Demands
Brain: Nutritional Demands
The brain consumes approximately 20% of your daily calorie intake, yet it only represents about 2% of your body weight. It requires a constant supply of glucose and specific nutrients to function optimally.
Essential Fatty Acids
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseed and walnuts, are crucial for maintaining brain structure and function. They contribute to neuronal membrane fluidity, aiding in communication and reducing inflammation.
Antioxidants: Brain Protectors
Antioxidants: Brain Protectors
Antioxidants in berries, dark chocolate, and pecans protect the brain against oxidative stress. This helps to prevent cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer's by neutralizing harmful free radicals.
B Vitamins: Cognitive Sharpness
B Vitamins: Cognitive Sharpness
B vitamins, particularly B6, B12, and folic acid, are vital for brain health, contributing to neurotransmitter synthesis and DNA repair. Deficiencies can lead to memory issues and brain fog.
Minerals for Mental Health
Minerals for Mental Health
Iron, zinc, and magnesium are minerals essential for brain function. Iron supports oxygen transport; zinc plays a role in neurotransmission; magnesium is involved in nerve signaling.
Hydration and Cognition
Hydration and Cognition
Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function and mood. Water facilitates neurotransmission, delivers nutrients to the brain, and removes toxins, thus playing a crucial role in brain health.
Probiotics and Brain Health
Probiotics and Brain Health
Emerging research suggests that probiotics may enhance brain function by influencing the gut-brain axis. They could potentially improve mood, cognitive function, and stress response.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What percent of daily calories does the brain use?
2% of calories
20% of calories
50% of calories