Exploring the Efficacy of Longevity Supplements

Understanding Longevity Supplements
Understanding Longevity Supplements
Longevity supplements aim to extend life and healthspan. While some evidence supports their benefits, research is ongoing. It's crucial to discern between scientifically backed compounds and unproven claims.
NAD+ Precursors' Potential
NAD+ Precursors' Potential
NAD+ is vital for cellular health. Precursors like NMN and NR could boost NAD+ levels, possibly slowing aging-related decline. Initial studies are promising, but conclusive human trials are needed.
Resveratrol's Contested Effects
Resveratrol's Contested Effects
Resveratrol, found in grapes, is touted for activating sirtuins, proteins linked to longevity. However, its effectiveness and bioavailability in humans remain under debate, with mixed results from studies.
Rapamycin: An Anti-Aging Candidate?
Rapamycin: An Anti-Aging Candidate?
Originally an immunosuppressant, rapamycin has shown lifespan extension in mice. Its mTOR inhibition may mimic caloric restriction, a known longevity factor. Human applications are speculative and require more research.
Metformin's Surprising Secondary Uses
Metformin's Surprising Secondary Uses
Metformin, a diabetes medication, may have anti-aging properties. It appears to influence metabolic and cellular processes associated with aging. The TAME trial is investigating its potential to delay age-related diseases.
Spermidine for Cellular Renewal
Spermidine for Cellular Renewal
Spermidine promotes autophagy, the process of cellular cleaning and renewal. This could theoretically prolong cell life. Dietary sources like wheat germ are beneficial, but supplemental effects require more study.
Polyphenols' Broad Benefits
Polyphenols' Broad Benefits
Polyphenols, common in fruits and vegetables, exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They may improve longevity by protecting against chronic diseases. Diverse diet intake is recommended over supplements.
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What's essential for cellular health?
Resveratrol and polyphenols
NAD+ levels
Spermidine alone