The Star Wars Genesis
George Lucas created 'Star Wars' inspired by Flash Gordon and Akira Kurosawa films. Initially titled 'The Star Wars', it was later shortened. The saga almost had a different title, 'Adventures of the Starkiller'.
Darth Vader's Voice Mystery
James Earl Jones voiced Darth Vader, but on set, David Prowse's West Country English was heard. Lucas opted for a more menacing voice, leading to Jones's deeper, iconic intonation, which was not credited initially.
The Original Lightsaber
The first lightsaber was constructed using the handle of a vintage camera flashgun. It was a Graflex flash handle. The unique sound was created by combining a film projector's hum and a TV tube's buzz.
Yoda's Unexpected Origins
Yoda's appearance was partly modeled after Albert Einstein's facial features. The wrinkles and eyes were meant to invoke a sense of intelligence and wisdom, contributing to Yoda's sage-like persona.
Harrison Ford's Carpentry
Harrison Ford was originally a carpenter and was hired to build cabinets at George Lucas's home. Lucas later cast him as Han Solo, changing Ford's career path from carpentry to stardom.
Millennium Falcon's Design
The Millennium Falcon was inspired by a hamburger with an olive on the side. Its initial design resembled a more elongated spacecraft, but the similarity to a ship from 'Space: 1999' prompted a redesign.
Leia's Hairstyle Influence
Princess Leia's iconic hairstyle is based on 'soldaderas', Mexican female revolutionaries. George Lucas took inspiration from their traditional hairdos while aiming to create a practical yet distinctive look for Leia.