The Evolution of the iPhone

iPhone's Origin Story
iPhone's Origin Story
The concept for the iPhone began in 2004 at Apple Inc., with the project code-named 'Purple 2'. It was Steve Jobs's vision to create a phone that was entirely screen—a revolutionary idea at the time.
First iPhone Release
First iPhone Release
Apple's first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007. Combining a phone, iPod, and internet communicator, it arguably marked the beginning of the modern smartphone era despite its lack of 3G capability.
Retina Display Introduction
Retina Display Introduction
The iPhone 4, launched in June 2010, introduced the 'Retina Display'. With a pixel density so high that individual pixels are indiscernible, it set a new standard for mobile display clarity.
Siri, the AI Revolution
Siri, the AI Revolution
In 2011, the iPhone 4S debuted with a groundbreaking feature: Siri, a voice-controlled personal assistant. It was one of the first mass-market AI interfaces, changing how we interact with devices.
iPhone Sales Skyrocket
iPhone Sales Skyrocket
By 2016, Apple had sold over 1 billion iPhones worldwide, a testament to the device's global impact. The iPhone became not just a gadget, but a cultural phenomenon influencing technology and lifestyle.
Environmental Commitment
Environmental Commitment
Apple has increasingly focused on sustainability, with the iPhone 12 and subsequent models being shipped without a charger and earphones, significantly reducing package size and e-waste.
Privacy at Forefront
Privacy at Forefront
Recent iOS updates showcase Apple's commitment to user privacy, with features that limit tracking and give users more control over their data, setting new industry standards for privacy protection.
iPhone's Secret Code
iPhone's Secret Code
The original iPhone could block calls and texts from specific numbers—a feature hidden from users until 2012. Mascot
What was iPhone's project code-name?
Project Green
Project Purple 2
Project Vision