Mental Health First Aid Essentials

Understanding Mental Health
Understanding Mental Health
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects cognition, perception, and behavior. Surprisingly, nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness.
First Aid Principles
First Aid Principles
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) applies the same urgency as physical first aid but focuses on emotional support. It's not about diagnosis but about offering initial comfort and guidance.
ALGEE Action Plan
ALGEE Action Plan
MHFA proposes ALGEE: Assess for risk, Listen nonjudgmentally, Give reassurance, Encourage professional help, and Encourage self-help strategies. This memorable acronym guides immediate responses.
Crisis vs Non-Crisis
Crisis vs Non-Crisis
MHFA teaches how to differentiate between crisis (e.g., suicidal thoughts) and non-crisis (e.g., stress) situations. Each requires distinct approaches with the latter focusing more on long-term strategies.
Listening Skills
Listening Skills
Effective MHFA relies on active listening. It's surprising that this involves more than just hearing; it's about understanding and reflecting emotions without judgment or advice.
Self-Care for First Aiders
Self-Care for First Aiders
MHFA can be emotionally taxing. First Aiders are taught self-care techniques to maintain their own mental health, such as debriefing and self-reflection practices.
Global Impact
Global Impact
Introduced in Australia in 2000, MHFA has since become a global movement. Studies show that MHFA training increases people's confidence in providing help to others. Mascot
What does mental health influence?
Only emotional well-being
Cognition, perception, behavior
Physical health exclusively