Introduction to FAST Sonography
Introduction to FAST Sonography
Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) is a rapid bedside ultrasound procedure for assessing patients with potential abdominal trauma or bleeding.
FAST Sonography Origins
FAST Sonography Origins
Developed in the 1970s, FAST was initially used in Europe before gaining widespread adoption in the US as a standard trauma assessment tool during the 1990s.
FAST's Four Quadrants
FAST's Four Quadrants
FAST sonography targets four specific areas: the pericardial area and the abdomen's right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, and pelvis, searching for free fluid.
Detecting Hemoperitoneum
Detecting Hemoperitoneum
FAST is highly effective in detecting hemoperitoneum. Studies show it detects intraperitoneal bleeding with a sensitivity of 60-98%, depending on operator experience.
E-FAST Expansion
E-FAST Expansion
Extended FAST (E-FAST) includes thoracic examination, checking for pneumothorax and hemothorax, making the assessment even more comprehensive for trauma patients.
Beyond Trauma Applications
Beyond Trauma Applications
While designed for trauma, FAST is now utilized in non-trauma cases as well, including diagnosing heart failure, assessing shock, and guiding fluid resuscitation.
FAST's Limitations
FAST's Limitations
Despite its utility, FAST has limitations. It's less sensitive for detecting organ injury, retroperitoneal and bowel injuries, and can be hampered by obesity and subcutaneous air. Mascot
What is FAST in medical imaging?
Fracture alignment screening tool
Fluid assessment sonography technique
Focused assessment with sonography