The Evolution of Heart Transplantation

First Human Heart Transplant
First Human Heart Transplant
In 1967, Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant in South Africa. The recipient, Louis Washkansky, survived for 18 days, marking a new era in cardiac surgery.
Introduction of Cyclosporine
Introduction of Cyclosporine
The introduction of cyclosporine in 1983 revolutionized transplant medicine. This immunosuppressive drug significantly increased the success rate of heart transplants by reducing organ rejection.
First Pediatric Heart Transplant
First Pediatric Heart Transplant
In 1984, Leonard Bailey transplanted a baboon heart into a newborn, Baby Fae, who lived for 21 days post-surgery. This controversial operation pushed boundaries in infant cardiac care.
Mechanical Hearts as Bridges
Mechanical Hearts as Bridges
In 1984, a mechanical heart was used for the first time as a bridge to transplantation. The device sustained patient Barney Clark for 112 days until a donor heart could be found.
Domino Heart Transplants
Domino Heart Transplants
The domino procedure, first performed in 1986, involves transplanting a heart into a patient with pulmonary hypertension and using the recipient's healthy heart for another patient.
Genetic Matching Advances
Genetic Matching Advances
In the early 2000s, genetic matching techniques were developed, greatly improving the compatibility assessment between donor hearts and recipients, and reducing the risk of post-transplant complications.
3D Printed Heart Prototypes
3D Printed Heart Prototypes
Researchers have used 3D printing to create heart prototypes for pre-surgical planning and practice. This technology, though in early stages, may eventually lead to bioprinting functional organs. Mascot
Who performed the first heart transplant?
Leonard Bailey
Christiaan Barnard
Barney Clark