Electrocardiogram: An Overview
Electrocardiogram: An Overview
An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the heart's electrical activity. It's a non-invasive procedure using electrodes on the skin, helping diagnose cardiac abnormalities, arrhythmias, and more.
ECG's Historical Inception
ECG's Historical Inception
Willem Einthoven invented the first practical ECG in 1903, using a string galvanometer. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1924 for this groundbreaking work.
Understanding ECG Leads
Understanding ECG Leads
A standard 12-lead ECG provides comprehensive heart views. Each lead offers a unique angle, collectively giving a three-dimensional representation of the heart's electrical activity.
Deciphering ECG Waveforms
Deciphering ECG Waveforms
An ECG waveform consists of the P wave, QRS complex, and T wave. They represent atrial depolarization, ventricular depolarization, and ventricular repolarization respectively.
ECG for Heart Rate
ECG for Heart Rate
Calculating heart rate from an ECG involves measuring the R-R interval. This technique can reveal tachycardia or bradycardia, indicating a heart beating too fast or too slow.
ECG in Cardiac Emergencies
ECG in Cardiac Emergencies
In emergencies, ECGs quickly identify life-threatening conditions like myocardial infarction. Prompt interpretation can mean the difference between life and death.
Advancements in ECG Technology
Advancements in ECG Technology
Technological advancements have led to remote and wearable ECG monitoring devices. These innovations allow for continuous cardiac health tracking and early detection of irregularities.
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What does an ECG primarily record?
Heart's electrical activity
Blood oxygen levels
Muscle contractions