Introduction to Statutory Interpretation

Introduction to Statutory Interpretation
Introduction to Statutory Interpretation
Statutory interpretation is the process courts use to understand the meaning of legislations. Judges interpret statutes to apply the law consistently with legislative intent and principles of justice.
Textualism Approach
Textualism Approach
Textualism focuses on the statute's plain text. Advocated by Justice Scalia, it argues for understanding the law based solely on the words themselves, as they were understood at enactment.
Purposivism Perspective
Purposivism Perspective
Purposivism considers the law's purpose. This approach looks beyond the text to the broader objectives intended by lawmakers, often using legislative history to discern meaning.
The Mischief Rule
The Mischief Rule
Originating from Heydon's Case (1584), the mischief rule asks what 'mischief' the statute was intended to prevent, giving judges the power to enforce the remedy the statute intended.
Ejusdem Generis Principle
Ejusdem Generis Principle
The Latin term 'ejusdem generis' means 'of the same kind.' This legal principle limits general words, which follow specific ones, to things of the same kind as the specifics.
Golden Rule Application
Golden Rule Application
The Golden Rule is used when literal interpretation results in absurdity. It allows judges to depart from a statute's normal meaning to avoid outcomes that defy logic or moral expectations.
Dynamic Interpretation
Dynamic Interpretation
Dynamic interpretation evolves legal application as society changes. This view contends that the meaning of a statute may grow to address contemporary issues not envisaged by its original drafters. Mascot
What does statutory interpretation involve?
Amending laws regularly
Understanding legislative meanings
Judges creating new laws