Exploring the Indian Constitution: Structure, Features, and Principles

Lengthiest Written Constitution
Lengthiest Written Constitution
India's Constitution is the world's lengthiest written constitution. It originally contained 395 articles, 22 parts, and 8 schedules, meticulously tailored for India's diverse socio-cultural fabric.
Unique Blend of Rigidity
Unique Blend of Rigidity
The Indian Constitution demonstrates a blend of rigidity and flexibility, with a complex amendment process that requires a balance between federal structure and strong central authority.
Federal with Unitary Features
Federal with Unitary Features
While federal in form, the Indian Constitution exhibits unitary features during emergencies, centralizing power to safeguard national integrity, a necessity learned from past regional tensions.
Directive Principles
Directive Principles
Directive Principles of State Policy guide governance to ensure social welfare and economic democracy, a visionary inclusion aimed at establishing a just society.
Secular State Ideals
Secular State Ideals
The Constitution establishes India as a secular state, upholding the right to freedom of religion and ensuring all religions are treated equally in the eyes of the law.
Independent Judiciary
Independent Judiciary
India's judiciary is fiercely independent, with provisions for judicial review ensuring the Constitution reigns supreme, thus preventing arbitrary use of power by other state organs.
Combating Untouchability
Combating Untouchability
The Constitution abolishes 'untouchability,' a groundbreaking step towards eradicating caste discrimination, and makes its practice a punishable offense under the law.
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How many articles in original Indian Constitution?
395 articles originally
Over 500 articles initially
Less than 300 articles